The SLIPO Workbench offers advanced capabilities for transformation, interlinking, fusion, enrichment, and analytics from multiple, large datasets for Points of Interest (POIs). The Workbench allows users to design custom data integration workflows, schedule their execution, monitor their execution status and also visualize their results.
In this short video, we demonstrate a data integration workflow using the SLIPO Workbench. This workflow takes as input two datasets containing POIs on Corfu Island, Greece. Those two indicative data sources differ in schema, content, and quality. The first one (OpenStreetMap) is crowdsourced information over the entire planet, whereas the other is offered by a commercial data provider (GET) in Greece.
Thanks to the SLIPO Workbench, in a few minutes a user can define a simple data integration workflow that delivers a single dataset. Instantiating and configuring the various tools into a working workflow can be carried out very quickly thanks to readily available profiles for most common POI datasets. In this demo, the unified output dataset is enhanced with information from OSM. In a nutshell:
- The output dataset contains more POIs, e.g., POIs missing from the GET dataset are obtained from OSM.
- Geometry representations are richer, e.g., polygons can be obtained from OSM instead of the original lat/long point coordinates.
- Thematic information is more accurate and complete, e.g., telephone numbers can be filled or updated from OSM.
Watch this video (duration: 12 minutes) and get more insight about the benefits of data integration using the SLIPO Workbench!