GET participates as a subcontractor of the company NAMA Consulting Engineers and Planners SA in the implementation of the project with the object “Services for the collection and mapping of Georeferenced elements of the urban furniture – property, of the road network of the Attica Region“.

The project concerns the collection of georeferenced data of urban furniture – property, along the road network of the Attica region, which is within the range of property boundaries of the Attica Region, with the aim of creating a common operational picture, which will serve the organization internally as well as others public bodies, professionals and the public within the framework of 3882/10 and 4305/14 laws regarding the management and dissemination of information. The data recorded will be integrated into a Geospatial Information Infrastructure and an Open Data Portal, which will be based on free software (open-source software) and disseminated through open standards. These data will concern all superstructures – street furniture, such as e.g. vertical and horizontal markings, signs, traffic lights, crosswalk markings, pedestrian crossing ramps, waste bins, lighting fixtures, benches, public transport stops, etc. The road network is approximately 1,700 km long.

The project is the first step for the digital maturation of the Region in terms of the availability and management of geospatial data, linked to the exercise of investment or construction activity. The implementation of an integrated solution for the management of elements of the built environment, as well as their monitoring, through the Geospatial Information Infrastructure is an integral element for the implementation of smart city applications. With the use of new technologies, the mass collection of large volumes of data can be achieved with great accuracy, as well as their efficient organization, visualization and dissemination.

In this project, GET has undertaken the Development of Geospatial Information Infrastructure / SDI and Open Data Portal of the project, and specifically the following actions:

1. Development of Geospatial Information Infrastructure / SDI

2. Data Compliance Check with the INSPIRE Directive

3. Entering data into the database and developing online services

4. Generation of Metadata

5. Interconnection and transition to the existing SDI and Open Data Portal

6. Staff training