Web management and disposal system for Hellenic Mapping and Cadastral Organization data
Name: Hellenic Mapping and Cadastral Organization (HEMCO) Website: http://www.okxe.gr/el/ HEMCO is a public organization of the Ministry of Environment. Part of its duties is the management and disposal to the public of a huge volume of aerial photos (more than 400.000) as well as cartographic and cadastral data. HEMCO is nowadays part of the Hellenic Cadastral and Mapping S.A.
In a daily basis, the relative department of HEMCO receives applications for providing aerial photos. Main concern for HEMCO is the fast and accurate localization of the area of interest in combination to date of collection. At the same time, it is necessary for HEMCO’s executives to be able to have access to data sets – vector and raster.
For this project, GEOSPATIAL ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES (GET) pioneering developed standalone metadata creation, editing, management and view fully compatible to the requirements of the INSPIRE Directive (Reg. 1205/2008 of E.U.). These applications were successfully used for the creation of metadata for digital datasets, indicatively, more than 90.500 aerial photos and more than 3.000 diagrams. Moreover, web services, discovery service, view services, required by the INSPIRE Directive have been in pilot process.