Environmental Informatics Application for the National Observatory of Electromagnetic Fields
Name: National Observatory of Electromagnetic Fields Website: https://paratiritirioemf.eeae.gr/index.php?lang=el The objective of the National Observatory of Electromagnetic Fields is the continuous monitoring of compliance with statutory safety limits public exposure to electromagnetic fields, such as those defined in the applicable legislation, to continuously inform citizens.
The objective of the National Observatory of Electromagnetic Fields is the continuous monitoring of compliance with statutory safety limits public exposure to electromagnetic fields, such as those defined in the applicable legislation, to continuously inform citizens. Operation of the Observatory is based on a stable and portable stations network for measuring electromagnetic fields and providing public on-line access to the measurements results.
GEOSPATIAL ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES (GET) in cooperation with DRAXIS implemented Geographical Information System, developing database, mapping services and web application, where the measurement stations and measurements results will be displayed.