The DISARM project web site and Fire Web Portal
Name: National Observatory of Athens
The Institute for Environmental and Sustainable Development Research is one of the three Institutes of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) which is the oldest Research Center in Greece and the Balkans. The Institute has the oldest and most complete historical climate information database in Greece, covering a period of more than one and a half centuries.
GET in the framework of the «DISARM – DROUGHT AND FΙRE OBSERVATORY AND EARLY WARNING SYSTEΜ» project of the transnational cooperation programme Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020 in which National Observatory of Athens participates, undertook the development of the project web site as well as the development of the Fire Web Portal, a web tool for fire warnings and alerts in the region of Greece, Bulgaria and Cyprus.
The web site has been developed using the open source CMS WordPress. The URL of the project’s web site is:
The Fire Web Portal has been developed based on open standards and architecture, according to the specifications and guidelines of W3C. Geospatial data are accessed using OGC services (WMS and WFS) provided by Geoserver while the user interface was developed using technologies like html, php, javascript, css, and openlayers.
The web application provide access to near real time data from meteorological stations including parameters like: temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and solar radiation but also to fire related indexes like FFDI, GFDI5 and FFWI.
It also provides information about:
- Active fires based on satellite observations
- Cloud tops and lightning activity
- Forecast data from numerical meteorological models
- PostgreSQL
- Geoserver
- Openlayers
- WordPress