Business Intelligence & Analytics application for Copelouzos Group
Name: Copelouzos Group Website: Copelouzos Group is a fully developed enterprise organization providing services in strategic industrial and technological sectors in Greece and abroad. Its experienced employees and the ability of direct adaption to continuously changing market conditions are the key factors Copelouzos Group success.
GEOSPATIAL ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES (GET) in cooperation with TERRA implemented Geo-Informatics application for Copelouzos Group. The provided solution is based on ESRI software, customized applications and cartographic data. It also includes back office part and web applications for internal and external authorized users. “Web Application Manipulation Platform” is the web software which permits the company to edit its data in a simple and comprehensive way via web (internet or intranet).
The software contains the functionalities below: data display on the map as points (customers, store, etc) deriving by excel, connection of digital files with geographic points (store picture, pdf files, etc.), geographic data management in order to be displayed on the map (selection, import, delete and upload of geographic data), application development, application users management, buffer zones around selected points, demographic data for specific area of interest display. Areas of interest are geographic polygons (areas) representing distance from one point, e.g. a store, during a specific time limit. An example is the number of customers of a store living in 10 minutes distance from the store.