ADAPT2CLIMA TOOL: Supporting climatic adaptation planning in agriculture


Name: National University of Athens

Unit of Environmental Science and Technology


The Unit of Environmental Science and Technology (UEST) is an educational and research unit at the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. The unit works in collaboration with other Universities, research institutes, public and local authorities and with the private sector with the aim of enhancing education, research, technology and innovation.

UEST works in close cooperation with competent Ministries and other Governmental agencies, as well as various European and International Organizations, providing environmental management inputs for the development and implementation of national strategies and action plans. UEST has been the National Reference Center of Greece representing the country at the European Topic Center on Waste and Material Flows (ETC/WMF) of the European Environment Agency (EEA).

The Unit has undertaken more than 100 projects, national, international and European including Life-Environment, Life-3rd Countries, Twinning and MEDA-Water projects etc.

The aim of the ADAPT2CLIMA Decision Support tool is to enhance understanding of climate change and its impacts on agriculture in order to support farmers, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders (agronomists, agribusiness industry, etc.) in adaptation planning.

The tool was developed in the frame of LIFE ADAPT2CLIMA: Adaptation to Climate change Impacts on the Mediterranean islands’ Agriculture.

The impacts of climate change on crop performance, water availability and on the agricultural sector in general are presented through interactive visualization maps and graphs by means of the ADAPT2CLIMA tool. What is more, the tool may be used for exploring the available adaptation options for addressing climate change impacts and their efficiency in increasing the resilience of agriculture.

The main climate change scenarios examined refer to the average climatic conditions expected for the period 2031-2060 under RCP4.5 and 8.5 and therefore, the tool may serve for long-term adaptation planning.

Additionally, extreme climatic scenarios (dry, wet, hot, cold) under RCP8.5 are examined in order for the tool to be used for short-term adaptation planning by farmers, in case such extreme climatic conditions occur in the near future.

The tool is currently applied in Cyprus, Crete (Greece) and Sicily (Italy) but it may be used by everyone wishing to develop a regional adaptation strategy for the agricultural sector of Italy, Greece and Cyprus.

GET was responsible for the development of the Tool based on the methodology and data provided by the LIFE ADAPT2CLIMA partners. The application utilizes the technology and the knowhow of GET related to spatial data management and spatial data visualization and analysis as well as the ability to design and develop enviromatics applications.


  • GET SDI Portal
  • PostgreSQL
  • Geoserver

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