GET coordinates the new research project “5D ARCHitectural AIr Documentation – 5D ARCH AID” in the framework of the HORIZON2020 European project UFO. The project is implemented by a collaborative group of four (4) partners: Asociatia Monumentum, JGC, HERITAGE MANAGEMENT e-SOCIETY (HERMeS) and GET, while the Department of Economics and Sustainable Development of Harokopio University participates in the research of documentation of the cultural heritage of the traditional settlement of Ano Syros.
5D-ARCH-AID project, proposes a new innovative service, which combines the renowned HERMeS historic building documentation methodology, documentation from Small Flying Objects (SFOs) and digital technologies for 3D modeling and 5D documentation of cultural imagery .
The 5D-ARCH-AID service will be a tool for documenting the pathology of buildings and settlements, for creating conservation plans, shaping decision-making tools to prioritize interventions, and raising awareness of local communities in order to preserve their cultural heritage.
The 5D-ARCH-AID implementation methodology hopes to significantly reduce the cost of cultural heritage documentation, while reducing implementation times without compromising on the quality of results.