In the framework of the operation of the “Register of Topographic Charts”, which is based on the GET CITY PLANNING solution that we provide for the Management of Technical Studies, GET is invited to undertake the implementation of the new project of DAEM of the Municipality of Athens, which concerns its population with data from the Services of the Municipality.

The scope of the provided services concerns the Services of processing and import of topographic chart data of the application of Topographic Chart Registry used by the Department of Spatial Data Management of the City of the Department of Strategic Planning, Sustainability, Innovation & Documentation of the Municipality of Athens.

The works that will be carried out by GET are:

  • Keeping a list of provided data, which will include a file name and date of issuance.
  • Import up to 3,500 diagrams
  • Check the contents of the files. In cases where the files show deficiencies, errors will be returned for correction / completion by the Municipal Services and the list will be updated accordingly.
  • Create a pdf file for any dwg, dxf file
  • Create a dwg file for each dxg file
  • Create metadata for each file according to the specifications of the Register of Topographic Diagrams (see metadata table).
  • Import to the Register of Topographic Diagrams.