GET was awarded the tender for ACTION 1.10 “Stations for the Measurement of Environmental Parameters” conducted by the Municipality of Chania under the A/A1 Contract “Smart City Actions in the Health, Welfare, Environment Sectors of the Municipality of Chania” of the project (Subproject) MUNICIPALITY OF CHANIA – Subproject 1 – Greek smart cities: Investments in infrastructure and SSC systems for a sustainable & green urban future”.

The scope of this contract is the supply of new applications and technological means that will improve the management and functionality of the urban environment of the Municipality of Chania. Specifically, it concerns the creation of an Air Pollution Monitoring System of the Municipality of Chania, as well as the adoption of a System for evaluating the performance of actions for adaptation and mitigation of climate change using quantitative indicators (KPIs).

The Air Pollution Monitoring System will consist of a network of IoT sensors consisting of five (5) sensors, which will send real time information to the central platform of the Municipality (Control Center of the Municipality of Chania) and a web platform for providing open air quality data in real time, based on Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) for the analysis and presentation of Information.

The quantitative indicators (KPIs) will be calculated based on the available data provided by the Municipality or other services, which will be collected, checked and processed and then presented in a web application in the form of interactive graphs and maps.

The set of deliverables for ACTION 1.10 “Stations for the Measurement of Environmental Parameters” includes the following:

  • Feasibility Study and Study for the Siting of the Stations”
  • Supply and installation of particulate matter concentration measurement stations,
  • Web application for monitoring air pollution in real time.
  • Online application for statistical analysis of the evolution of air pollution over time.
  • Application for Indicators’ Monitoring (KPIs)
  • Training & Support Services