The scope of the Project, the implementation of which has been undertaken by GET, is the modernization of the management of geospatial information, in order to support planning and decision making.

The project initially focuses on the organization of the existing geospatial information, the development of advanced web services for the dissemination of geoinformation to the public (citizens, professionals, engineers), but also the transfer of know-how to municipal staff in order to improve internal management workflows. of geospatial data.

Moreover, the proposed application for the management and dissemination of geospatial data / information, seeks to setup a spatial data infrastructure based on open standards and free / open source software. At the same time, it will utilize the existing infrastructure in hardware and software, whenever this is possible. The existing data will be organized centrally in a spatially enabled database, while access will be enabled using OGC web services. Users will be able to work with the data using desktop GIS software (administrators) but also through the geoportal that will be developed for this purpose. Metadata will be provided for all datasets, which will enable the provision of catalogue / search data services according to open data standards and policy.