We at GET have  a clear sense of purpose, to “Make Location Matter” by offering our clients a Common Operating – Geospatially based Picture (COGP). Our customers are able to innovate and provide, modern public geospatial enabled services that are interoperable by default; inclusive and accessible; open and transparent; trustworthy and secure. Our solutions leverage the transformative, innovative, and collaborative power of open source and open data, encouraging the sharing and reuse of software solutions, knowledge, expertise and data, to deliver better services that enrich society and focus on lowering costs to that society.

2020 was a very turbulent year but we managed to overpass all the difficulties we have faced till now mainly because we acted as a truly agile organizations, prove to be both stable (resilient, reliable, and efficient) and dynamic (fast, nimble, and adaptive).

We achieved in fiscal 2020 year, a strong overall financial performance having remarkable measures in some major financial indexes like EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Tax), ROE (Return on Equity) and Operating Cash Flow.

We have to emphasize also that for us, exemplarity and non-financial indexes are just as important as financial performance. Therefore, we systemically supplement traditional financial measures with criteria that evaluate performance from three additional perspectives—those of customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. Indexes like the customer retention as well as the number of repeat preferred choice of supplier, compliance of agreed service time, number of solutions derived from pure R & D initiatives are some of those indications that make us proud. Within an extremely unstable external environment we also manage to keep our employees happy and safe respecting in all the ways their choice where and how to work.

Today we are recognized in the Greek market as the market leader of Geo-IT solutions based on open and free software contributing essentially to the improvement of society and knowledge sharing. We are driven by the spirit of a challenger and, we are constantly becoming more agile thanks to a startup mindset. In 2021 (15 years anniversary) we will introduce in the market new horizontal diversified services in existing and new markets.

In our annual infographic below we show select highlights for 2020.