GET participates in the 3d consultation meeting of EO Open Science in ESRIN (Frascati, Italy) on  25–28 September 2017.  The conference is organized by the European Space Agency (ESA) aiming to explore new challenges and opportunities for EO research created by the rapid advances in Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). This includes open tools and software, data-intensive science, virtual research environment, citizen science and crowdsourcing, advanced visualization, e-learning and education of the new generation of EO and Data scientists.

GET will present «Sentinel hub integration into GET SDI PORTAL». The presentation will highlight the advanced capabilities of the SentinelHub platform as well as its integration to GET SDI PORTAL. GET SDI PORTAL is a web platform for spatial data management and sharing using standard OGC services. The presentation is scheduled for Tuesday 26 September at 16:47 during the Lightning Talks event.

More about the conference: