GET successfully completed 2 projects for Local Government authorities, which aimed at the supply of “vertical” added value applications, exploiting and expanding the Spatial Data Infrastructures developed in previous projects. The projects were implemented for the Municipalities of Papagou- Cholargos and Heraklion, who, being long-standing customers of GET, trusted us once again for the expansion of their SDIs and the development of new features for their utilization and enhancement.
More specifically, the Municipality of Papagou-Cholargos proceeded to the expansion and maintenance of the Municipality’s SDI, both by expanding the content and capabilities of the system, including both the new urban planning data and also the new street-view images reference background (127 km long) of the road network of the Municipality, which created as part of a pilot.
Τhe Municipality of Heraklion and Urban Planning Directorate of the Municipality have been systematically, during the last decade, investing in the development of the necessary infrastructure for the digital management of its geospatial data. The daily use of the system and the response of the users highlight each time the way of improving and evolving the infrastructure. The implemented work included:
- the enrichment of the system with new content
- the development of new applications
- providing support in order to meet the requests of users for corrective / additional interventions
It is observed that with the enrichment and upgrade of the data and services offered through the respective Geoportal but also the maturation of these projects, the traffic shows an upward trend, as more and more users, professionals, and citizens use the applications to refer to open data of the Municipalities and solve their daily problems.