GET was declared a contractor in the tender “PROVISION OF GEO-INFORMATION APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT AND PARTICIPATORY PLANNING SERVICES” of the Network of Sustainable Greek Islands Dafni
The scope of the project is the development of geoinformatics and participatory planning software and applications that is carried out in the context of work package 6 – Active Research in Citizen Action Labs (WP6 – Active Research in Citizen Action Labs) of the DIALOGUES research project in the context of the development of the Greek Citizen Action Lab . This aims at citizens and stakeholders who will co-create, during a series of events, a clean energy transition agenda.
The Greek Citizen Action Workshop targets the community sphere, citizens and stakeholders will co-create a clean energy transition agenda during a series of events. In a liberalized electricity market with regulatory and technical constraints due to insularity, the clean energy transition of the Greek islands has faced specific difficulties. Islands often become battlegrounds when it comes to siting renewable energy plants, as local authorities, stakeholders and citizens are rarely part of the planning phase. The local authorities of the Greek islands have shown their desire to be pioneers in the EU’s vision of decarbonization by participating in the Pact of Islands, the Covenant of Mayors and recently the “Clean Energy for the Islands of the European Union” ( Clean Energy for EU Islands). In the context of the latter, they are committed to developing a Clean Energy Transition Agenda (CETA). The DIALOGUES project will involve three Greek islands in the Citizen Action Workshop, which were selected following a call for expressions of interest. Starting from their current energy identity, participants will develop with the help of augmented reality and alternative scenarios a vision for a sustainable energy future for their island.