GET is funded for the implementation of the research proposal «Shallow Water Aquatic Monitoring using Acoustic Sensors and Satellite Images (AMOS)» under the program “NEPTUNE: New Cross Sectoral Value Chains Creation across Europe Facilitated By Clusters for SMEs’ Innovation in Blue Growth” which has received funding by the research and innovation program of European Union, Horizon 2020 (No. Of grant agreement: 691554), in which Greece participates with Corallia.
GET proposal was submitted in cooperation with French company Semantic-TS. The proposal is about the development of an innovative system for monitoring aquatic environment (Bathymetry and classification of marine ecosystems, recording of fishing potential) of coastal water. The system will be based on acoustic monitoring technology by Semantiv – TS for this project, it will be adapted into a drone system, offering capacity to collect data from the air. These data will be integrated into the innovative platform for geospatial data diffusion of GET where additionally open satellite data Sentinel or other free earth observation data, like Copernicus, will be provided.
The platform will be developed exploiting GET’s technical expertise in open data and disposal/projection of spatial data. Specifically, technologically the solution will be based on open source software GET SDI PORTAL.The solution will be tested in pilot process in French and in Greece. The results will be accessible for the public via the web application which will be developed for this reason.
GET is, since 2015, member of the si-Cluster,the Greek dynamic and constantly developing gold labeled cluster activated into space technologies, participating in actions for the development of sustainable products into space technologies and applications.
NEPTUNE PROJECT has received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Program under Grant Agreement 691554