GET, as it is mentioned in our company website has as a goal to maximize the added-value provided by geospatial information. We achieve this by supporting open knowledge, open software, open standards and open data. There is no greater reward for us than to see that data, which are provided with no cost – open and free through application developed by us, are fully used as it is defined by data economy.

Live example us the article in ( and the exceptional application which is based on the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Thessaloniki developed by GET in cooperation with the great team of Thessaloniki Municipality.

Thanks to the land use maps provided free by the GeoPortal of the Municipality and in combination to the editing process of more than 10.000 online real estate ads, it is, for the first time, to the capture of the city’s real estate market in crisis years 2015, 2016. Moreover, with the combined use of additional land uses, it will be possible to highlight opportunities and challenges regarding buying and selling real estate processes.